Archive | September, 2013

Reply 1994 – A risk we dare take?

30 Sep

We’re super excited but scared at the prospect of watching Reply 1994

We remember watching Answer me, 1997 last year and loving it so much. As many of you may know we picked that drama as our favourite for 2012. It just owned us completely. It was funny, sweet and most of all we felt like we were watching a drama that was made with real heart. It felt like a script that was really thought out and written with care and love and like complete suckers we were sold – hook, line and sinker. As a result the idea of tuning in and watching a drama from the same makers makes us want to do a happy dance and cheer in excitement.  

The big question is: can they strike gold twice? Will we be sitting there disappointed because it’s just not as good and also what’s with the basketball??? Okay that was three questions. Hahah. 

We’ve noticed that quite a few people aren’t pleased by Go Ara being the leading lady. We’ll be honest we’ve only ever seen her in Who are You? and the girl made us cry our eyes out when her father passed away, so obviously she made us connect. Personally, we think she has massive shoes to fill after the wonderful performance by Jung Eun Ji in Answer me, 1997 but frankly whoever took the lead would have their work cut out. Jung Eun Ji did a great job acting the part but it was her character that everyone fell for. She was just awesome. Considering Answer me, 1997 had a cast of mostly unknowns, we’re hoping that the producers know what they’re doing and have selected their new cast for a reason. We’re got confidence, so fingers crossed that Go Ara does a good job and makes her haters find something else to moan about.

We want it to be good sooo much…but

We’re scared by the fashion, the sports, Go Ara’s hair and most of all our expectations.

Seriously, what is up with Go Ara’s hair? She deserves props for that alone! 

Goodbye summer days and hello dramas

28 Sep

We have a confession we want to make.

Over the summer we sort of fell out of love with dramas. We know – how could this happen!? We’re shocked and saddened as well.

Sure, we’ve taken reluctant breaks before in the past due to life and other factors but the desire to tune in was always there. However this summer we found that nothing grabbed our interest. It was like a switch button went off in our heads and suddenly we didn’t care. Our addiction and obsessive ways were over.

Sadly when you have no desire to watch dramas, blogging about them becomes completely redundant, hence the reason for the long absence from the blogosphere.

However now that our London summer days appear to be truly over and we’re back in a routine with work/ college ect maybe it’s time to return to the comfortable embrace of watching dramas and fangirling about the good, the bad and the outrageous.

Oh okay, it may also have something to do with:

Lee Min Hoo -It’s been far too long. Sure he doesn’t have the sexy curls but he still looks fine to us! Come on, look how fugly that suit is but somehow he’s still making it work.


Kang Ha Neul may have made us want to vomit into the nearest bin after his super sweet/ nice guy performance in Monstar but he sure is pretty.


Oh we love Kim Woo Bin! He is by far our biggest draw to The Heirs. We utterly adored him in School 2013. We loved the brooding, the angst and the hot glaring. Yes please, sign us up for this drama!

So gutted he’s the secondary love interest.


We finished Cruel City recently and appear to be suffering from JKH withdrawal symptoms. Jung Kyung Ho, let us count the ways we love you. Sighs*

Hehehehe, who are we kidding, we can never stay away for long!

If it’s not obvious, we’re looking forward to the potential car wreck that is The Heirs and re-starting I can hear your voice after all the fan love it received.

Does anyone have any suggestions for a decent Taiwanese or Japanese drama to watch? Its been so long since we’ve watched a good drama from either country.