Man, this picture made us laugh so much- seriously what was he thinking?!

Smile, you

So we included this drama in our end of year review when we technically still had two episodes to go…two episodes is nothing right? We thought rating the drama would be fine- how wrong were we! Originally we gave the drama the following rating:

How much we liked it: 7/10- How good it was technically 6/10.

Now that we’ve finished the drama, we have to change our rating to:

How much we liked it: 5/10- How good it was technically 4/10

WTF? was the final 15 episodes about- The drama suddenly turned into this horrible dying granddad storyline- where the writer added every long drama cliché imaginable-

1. A dying granddad

2. Cancer

3. Dementia

4. Death

Why??? It totally killed this drama that should have stayed all about a really adorable OTP and their insane families learning to be better people and accepting each other for the sake of their children- not a drama about a dying granddad!

If by chance you stumble across this drama and you’re drawn in, we would recommend that you watch up to around episode 26-27 and then promptly stop before entering extension territory. We actually really enjoyed many of the relationships presented in this drama; especially the main OTP who were thoroughly refreshing to watch as the main couple. They were practically drama free, with zero weeping scenes of angst and how you seen them? They’re so cute together!


Overall thoughts for Smile, you- Disappointed by what it becomes by the end of it all but still- it provided us with laughs, a cute OTP and a well assembled cast of characters that you will grow to love by the end of it all.